Our mission is to develop, test and scale ideas which improve the world.
We’re here to make a difference so we only work on projects which wouldn’t happen without us. They must have a social purpose, and be scalable, otherwise our time would be better spent elsewhere. Within those constraints, we’ll consider almost anything.
Our work is always ambitious and often risky - we like it that way.
Some recent projects…
Pop To The Shop
Pop To The Shop is a not-for-profit platform connecting self-isolators to local people who can buy and deliver essential supplies from local shops.
AdminBusters provides remote personal assistants (PAs) to help people manage their lives, so they can spend more time doing the things they love.
Chatsie is a suite of apps, controlled over the internet, which together make Android phones easy for older people to use.
Beyond the Fringes
Beyond the Fringes is an investigation into the potential for inexpensive DIY polling methods to help win the argument for mainstream politics.
Our approach
We start from needs: a problem in society which feels like it ought to be fixable. Desk research and brainstorming establish ideas for solutions. Some ideas may generate enough revenue to be self-sustaining, whereas others will require support from donors or government. We believe that solutions to social problems can usually find finance for scale from somewhere, so long as they really are proven.
To establish proof we’ll devise and deliver the simplest, cheapest, fastest tests we can. For commercial initiatives this may mean establishing that customers can be acquired for much less money than they generate in profit. For not-for-profit initiatives it may mean demonstrating that a desired outcome can be delivered for a price that donors or government are willing to pay. The nature of the proof is determined by the idea.
Once an idea is proven we’ll put a top-notch team in place to scale it, and source finance where necessary. We’ll continue to monitor and assist the success of the team, while recognising that management need the freedom to operate without unnecessary overhead.